
Today is Oscar’s second birthday. He is two years old but it feels like we’ve had him a lifetime already. He is such a part of the family, and is so incredibly spoiled I do not remember life without him. And then it feels hard to believe that we have had him two years already. Time sure does fly when you’re old. Haha!



Hubby and I have been trying to break him in a little bit more with getting used to people. It is the hottest part of the year here in Florida and every Sunday for the last three we have been taking Oscar to the beach with us. Sometimes there are other dogs, but mostly there are other people. I think it has been very good for him to get used to seeing people walk by us, or come up and talk to us, and get used to it. As he sits in the shade under the umbrella in the tremendous heat he gets used to the traffic, but also gets exhausted. Being a completely black dog in the sun and heat in Florida is a little hard on him. We make sure to take him in the water constantly and of course he drinks a lot of water and chews on some ice as well. We try to get there as early as possible usually before 10 AM, so it is not so bad. Oscar is also getting more comfortable in the water as well, jumping waves and not afraid to go under. It is actually hilarious!




Both hubby and I think that the method of taking him to the beach and getting used to more people is actually helping. Although he still has a lot of anxiety when he sees someone else, it seems to pass more quickly. Or maybe that is just wishful thinking.

He is a completely different dog privately then he is publicly. In private he is honestly one of the most sweet, affectionate, loving dogs I have ever known. He is gentle and smart and protective and playful.



But in public to someone who’s never met him before, he comes off fearful, anxious and could even be considered aggressive if you didn’t understand that all of his barking is out of fear. I have had people who have met him for the first time claimed that he must’ve been abused at some point in his life. This is absolutely not the case. That is why it is so perplexing. And that is why we are working on it so much. But this is an old story for some of you diehard readers. And also a testament on how much of an investment it is to rehabilitate and train a dog. It is a long and intense labor of love and a test in consistency. Consistency is absolutely key.




September is a very busy month for birthdays. It just so happens that not only is today Oscar’s birthday but also a niece and a nephew of mine as well. And Tuesday happens to be my birthday although I am not celebrating that one. So this weekend is a celebration of many birthdays but mostly Oscar’s. I am in complete denial about how spoiled he actually is.

But what is the point of life if you can’t spoil those that you love?


~ by Michelle Sammartino-Zeto on September 5, 2014.

One Response to “HAPPY BIRTHDAY OSCAR!!!”

  1. Happy Birthday, Oscar, and thanks for putting a gleam back in your mother’s eye, a spring in her step and a spark back in her life (although the new hubby gets some credit too!) Good boy! Chase a ball down the beach for me. XO Alex

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